Note from the Directors
February 2023
Dear CPC Parents,
Here are a few important items to share as we make our way through February —
- TUITION – February tuition installments are due Wednesday, February 1 and Monday, February 6.
- TAMALE FUNDRAISER – Tamale pick-up will take place on Monday, February 13, 2:30-4:00 PM. We have no way to store tamales that are not picked up. Tamales will come fresh and warm, so it is recommended that you bring a cooler in which to store your tamales.
- OPEN HOUSE – Open House #1 will take place Monday, February 20, 6:30-8:00 PM, at CPC.
- 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR – The 2023-2024 schedule as well as all the class description pages for our classes offered next year will be updated on the website by mid-February. Online registration will open around the beginning of March.
- DROP-OFF/PICK-UP – Please make sure to drop off your students prior to the beginning of class. Students may miss critical class instruction when they are late. In addition, please be prompt when picking up your student. Our Parent & Student Handbook policy states that parents will be charged a late pick-up fee of $1/minute after the second offense.
- LATE OR ABSENT – Please make sure to contact your child’s teacher(s) if he/she will be late or absent to class.
Thank you for helping us with these items! You can reach out to us if you have any questions – cpcdirectors@gmail.com.
Dee, Ruthie, and Sheila