Our mission is to provide Christian worldview classes for the homeschool community.

We believe parents have the God-given right to educate their children at home. We support their endeavors by offering a classroom setting to home school students.
Although home schools are classified as private schools in Texas, all educational responsibility ultimately belongs to the parents, including transcripts.
At CPC, Christ, the Creator and Author of life, is the center of learning and the constant in all we teach. We believe in challenging students in order to prepare them for the future as independent, thoughtful, and effective members of society.
Our teachers, as independent contractors, are qualified and invested in offering a quality educational experience. Class participation, discussion, collaboration, presentations, and projects are emphasized. Students will attend class each week and are expected to complete assignments at home independently. Parents follow up with daily supervision, guidance, and accountability. Together, teachers and parents communicate and support one another for the benefit of the student.
Christian Perspectives Classes began as a ”true” co-op of families from pre-K through sixth grade in 2001. Since 2004, we have been meeting at Friendship Community Bible Church thanks to the kindness and support of Pastor Bobby Hamilton and his wonderful congregation.
Days & Times: Mondays (8:30-4:30) and Wednesdays (8:30-3:00)
Class size: Each class ranges from 5-22 students.
Directors: Sheila Kleinhenz, Andrea Sylve, and Ruthie Taft
Board Members: CPC has a board composed of 7 members who have committed to two years of service. We are extremely grateful to each of them as they volunteer their time and service to our community. Our dedicated board members are:
Sheila Kleinhenz
Sue Stanley
Andrea Sylve
Ruthie Taft
Deb Whaley
Janet Wrenn
Kathy Zimmerman