7-12 Speech 2025-2026

Mondays, 3:00-4:00

Instructor: Kathy Zimmerman (B.A. English) zimmermank517@gmail.com

Class Tuition: $400 per year or 10 equal installments of $40

Supply Fee: $55 per year, due at registration

Instructor accepts: Cash, Check, Venmo, and Zelle

*NOTE: There is a minimum of 5 students required for this class to progress; maximum is 18.

Course Description: Speech for grades 7-12 will ease students into public speaking with non-threatening, familiar, low-preparation-energy experiences and build up to speech writing. We also throw in practical, use-it-in-life material like interview skills and Bible lesson presentations. This class will be an interactive class experience, with students completing homework assignments and then practicing new skills in class with coaching from the instructor. Students will work alone and in groups, increasing their speaking and critiquing skills. Students should plan to devote approximately one hour per week to Speech assignments. Regular progress reports will be sent to parents.

Required Materials:
Speech 1 Student Workbook, 7Sisters
Download ebook HERE, print, hole-punch and place in a binder.

Loose-leaf notebook, pen or pencil, highlighter