9-12 Leadership Development 2021-2022

Wednesdays, 10:30-12:30

Instructor:  Sheila Kleinhenz    sheshe4202@peoplepc.com

Class Tuition: $450 per year or 10 equal installments of $45

Supply Fee:  $50 per year, due at registration

*NOTE: There is a minimum of 5 students required for this class to progress; maximum is 11.

Course Description: The purpose of this class is for students to discover that they are all born leaders. Leadership is geared toward helping students, ages 14-19, see their leadership potential by putting class lessons into action. Students will study various leadership techniques in class. Then, using these techniques, they will work as a group to complete service projects, such as working at different need based ministries, making blankets for My Stuff Bags and/or the homeless; or paracord bracelets for our U.S. Military, writing thank-you/encouraging notes for armed and civil forces, as well as ministering at various assisted living and civil service facilities. Students will be encouraged to co-lead the various projects they will be completing each month. Secrets of Everyday Leaders and Secrets of World Changers are the curricula that will be used this year. Students will receive one high school leadership credit as well as service hours for their transcripts.  Students should be expected to work on assignments at home at least 2 hours each week.

Required Materials:
Folder with dividers
Loose Leaf Paper
Highlighters or colored pencils

Required Textbooks:
Student workbooks will be provided.