Food truck

Note from the Directors
March 2022

Dear CPC Families,

Here are a few reminders, as well as information about upcoming events! Can you believe we’ve almost made it through the 3rd Quarter?!?
  • Registration – Registration for the 2022-2023 school year opens March 1.
  • Tuition – March Tuition installments are due Wednesday, March 2 and Monday, March 7.
  • Fundraiser Opt-out – If you did not participate in the fall or spring fundraisers, then the $30/student or $50/family opt-out is due by Monday, March 7 or Wednesday, March 9.
  • Spring Break – CPC will not hold classes on March 14-18.
  • STEAM/Family Night – This fun night of STEAM activities and fellowship with friends/family is Tuesday, March 29 5:30-8:00 CPC. Please bring your friends! The activities are geared towards elementary/middle school kiddos. The Tu-Go Kitchen and Kona Ice food trucks will be onsite for dinner. (Kona Ice will be there 6:00-7:00)
  • Open House – Our second and final Open House is Thursday, April 28 10:00-11:30 AM.
  • IOWA Testing – CPC will once again host the IOWA Testing Monday, May 16 – Thursday, May 19. An email will be sent soon with more details.

CPC Directors

Kona menu

Tu Go menu