Pre-Calculus 2025-2026

Wednesdays, 8:30-10:30

Instructor: Sue Stanley

Class Tuition: $700 per year or 10 equal installments of $70

Supply Fee: $30 per year, due at registration

Instructor accepts: Cash, Check, and PayPal

*NOTE: There is a minimum of 5 students required for this class to progress.

Course Description: This class integrates topics from Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry, as well as other mathematical analysis techniques which will prepare the students for high school Calculus and beyond. Students will be given 8 tests, 8 quizzes, and weekly homework grades. Progress reports will be issued quarterly. Students should be expected to work on assignments at home at least 4 days each week.

Required Materials:
Saxon Advanced Math text – 2nd edition, test booklet, and a scientific calculator. (Solutions manual is optional, but recommended.)

Syllabus will be distributed by the first class meeting.