Physics 2025-2026
Lab: Mondays, 10:30-12:30
Lecture: Wednesdays, 10:30-12:30
Instructor: Deborah Whaley
Tuition: Lecture only – $650 or 10 monthly installments of $65
Lab only – $650 or 10 monthly installments of $65
Lecture and Lab in combination – $850 or 10 monthly installments of $85
Supply Fee: Lecture: $40, due at registration; Lab: $45, due at registration
*NOTE: There is a minimum of 5 students required for this class to progress.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra 2 and Chemistry. At the instructor’s discretion, students who have completed Algebra 2 but not Chemistry would be able to register for Physics. Anyone requesting an exception should contact Mrs. Whaley directly. Physics is a demanding course of study and will require the student to take initiative in working for his/her own understanding.
Lecture Course Description: Algebra based senior level Physics – covering one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s Laws, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, electrical circuits, and magnetism. Some lab work will be included in the lecture class. Students should be expected to work on assignments at home at least 7 hours each week.
Lecture required materials: Exploring Creation with Physics 2nd Edition ISBN 9781932012422 and Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation with Physics 2nd Edition ISBN 9781932012439
Lab course description: Physics lab course supplements the study of physics. The separate lab course allows for greater exploration of the physics concepts beyond the minimal level. Recommended for providing a thorough understanding of Physics. Teacher generated lab manual will be used. Experiments will follow the scope and sequence of the Exploring Creation with Physics text – covering one dimensional and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s Laws, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, electrical circuits, and magnetism. Labs will vary from simple introductory experiments to more complicated experiments. Some projects requiring outside time will be assigned.
Lab required materials: Teacher generated lab manual (the cost is included in the supply fee)
Lecture course = 0.5 High school credit.
Lab course = 0.5 High school credit.
Both lecture and lab = 1.0 High school credit.