9-12 American Government 2026 (Spring Semester)

Mondays, 8:30-10:30

Instructor: Ruthie Ammons ruthie.ammons@gmail.com

Class Tuition: $325 (semester-long course) or 5 equal installments of $65 (January – May)

Supply Fee: $40 for the semester, due at registration

Instructor accepts: Cash, Check, PayPal, and Zelle

*NOTE: There is a minimum of 5 students required for this class to progress.

Course Description: This American Government course prepares students for responsible citizenship with a discussion of the principles and mechanics of our constitutional republic. The curriculum provides insight on a variety of topics such as the Constitution, three branches of our government, political parties, elections, foreign policy, and more, all from a biblical perspective.

Required Materials:
BJU American Government Student Text (4th edition, Published 2020) https://www.bjupresshomeschool.com/5637429538.p
BJU American Government Student Activity Manual (4th edition., Published 2020) https://www.bjupresshomeschool.com/5637429703.p