Drama 2025-2026

Wednesdays, 1:00-4:00

Instructor: Janet Wrenn wrennjanet@gmail.com

Class Tuition: $750 per year or 10 equal installments of $75

Supply Fee: $100 per year, due at registration

Instructor accepts: Cash, Check, PayPal, and Venmo

The class supply fee pays for the following supplies: scripts, costumes, props, copies, programs and treats for class. Please be advised, it is customary for theatre students to purchase their own stage makeup, as we do not recommend sharing for safety reasons, especially eye makeup.

*NOTE: There is a minimum of 10 students required for this class to progress; maximum is 30.

Class Description: This class is for students with an interest in acting and public speaking, with a focus on musical theatrical performance. Students will be introduced to theatre terminology, gain knowledge of stage and audience etiquette, and develop performance skills, working on believable emotions through dialogue and character development. Students will work to hone vocal technique (projection, enunciation, diction, pacing, etc.) to make their performance the best it can be, as well as address improvisation and ad lib skills needed when performances don’t go exactly as planned. Through various games and exercises we will work on memorization skills, as well as teamwork and relationship-building, learning to assist cast members with lines, cues, etc. Students will also learn some confidence-building techniques which will help develop their public-speaking skills. We will also touch base on some small prop building and basic costuming. Students will be expected to work on memorization of scripts at home. Students will showcase their performances with a musical at the end of the year.