Algebra I 2025-2026
Mondays, 10:30-12:30
Instructor: Ruthie Taft
Class Tuition: $650 per year or 10 equal installments of $65
Supply fee: $60 per year, due with registration
Instructor accepts: Cash, Check, PayPal, and Zelle
*NOTE: There is a minimum of 5 students required for this class to progress; maximum is 15.
*****Before registering for this class, NEW students will need to complete a required placement test. Please email Mrs. Taft for the test. This will help to determine the student’s level of mastery and if they are ready for this class.*****
Course Description: Students will develop the understanding they need to solve more complex problems and functions with this step-by-step course. Covered topics include signed numbers, exponents, and roots; absolute value; equations and inequalities; scientific notation; unit conversions; polynomials; graphs; factoring; quadratic equations; direct and inverse variations; exponential growth; statistics; and probability.
Since students are in high school, responsibility will be put on them to complete daily assignments at home, approach parents to check homework, then go back to correct missed problems. They will also take at-home quizzes and tests twice each quarter. Parents will be responsible for proctoring those quizzes and tests twice each quarter, as well as ensuring students have checked and corrected their weekly homework assignments. In order to be most successful, students should be expected to work on assignments at home at least 4 days each week.
Required Materials:
Saxon Algebra 1 3rd edition textbook, test booklet, and answer key
Notebook paper
Graph paper
Binder with dividers
Colored pen