3-4 History 2025-2026

Mondays, 1:00-2:30

Instructor: Alison Thompson alison.thompson.peru@gmail.com

Class Tuition: $550 per year or $55 per month for 10 months

Supply Fee: $60, due at registration

Instructor accepts: Cash, Check, and Zelle

NOTE: There is a minimum of 5 students required for this class to progress; maximum is 15.

Course Description: In this class, we will discuss and learn about the Modern Age of world history through the thought-provoking and engaging Story of the World curriculum. Our year will include experiencing this time in history through entertaining stories, engaging hands-on activities, and fun discussions. Through our class time together, we will seek to better understand the world around us through a Biblical lens while making history come to life! Your child will not only learn to love history, but they will be honing their writing, observational, interpersonal, and critical-thinking skills through map-work, short-writing exercises, group activities, and public speaking practice.

The text will take us from Queen Victoria’s Empire and move the students through the end of the USSR. Students will gain a complete view of world history from 1837-1994, studying Europe, India, China, the Middle East, Japan, Africa, America, and more! Homework for this class will mostly consist of reading and or listening to the assigned chapters and optional work from the activity workbook. Since no formal grades will be taken in this class, projects and assignments are purely meant for the mastery of subject material and practice for the future. Tests and quizzes will be done as review/game-style activities in order to solidify the information covered. Parental involvement with at-home assignments is encouraged so as to continue the learning process at home and for your child to be better prepared for our next class meeting.

Required Materials:
The Modern Age, Volume 4, Revised Softcover, Story of the World ISBN: 9781945841903
The Modern Age, Activity Book Volume 4, Revised, Story of the World ISBN: 9781945841927

Optional Materials:
The Modern Age, Volume 4 (Revised), Audiobook, Story of the World ISBN:9781945841941

Map pencils, note cards, scissors, pencils, glue stick, ruler, folder with brads/prongs, composition notebook